
Donate by phone

Call +1-858-888-9061.

Donate by Paypal

To donate by Paypal, transfer donations to on your Paypal account.

Donate by check

To donate by check, please make checks payable to “PRESERVE OUR WILD INC.” and enclose a letter with your name, address, phone number, email address, and donation amount so we can show our gratitude for your support. Let us know if there’s a specific cause to donate you would like to support. If no area is specified, your donation will be directed where it’s needed most.

Donate by mail

To donate by mail, download, print, and complete this form.

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For more information on sponsorship and partnership opportunities, please contact us at

Donor Privacy Policy

Preserve our wild is committed to protecting the privacy of our donors. We will not sell, trade or share a donor’s personal information with anyone else, nor will we send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.